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I have always had a great interest in photography and art since childhood. By the age of  18 I was experienced with the fundamentals of small and medium format, as well as the full range of B+W and color darkroom techniques.

I went on to study photography at The Academy Of Art in San Francisco, with a particular focus on B+W fine art and alternative printing processes.

After college I had the wonderful opportunity to assist the world-renowned Spiritual Teacher and Artist, Adi Da Samraj (more about his work can be found here). The ten years I spent working with Adi Da had a tremendous impact on my understanding of art and photography, and my life altogether.


I began my current series (Multi-Scapes) in art school, and am only now returning to this project 20 years later. These images were made using camera based multiple exposures on film (more on this here). I hope this work touches your life the way it has inspired my own.

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